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Enhancing customer experience is at the top of the list of concerns of e-commerce businesses everywhere. With the ever-varying state of technology and the rise of complicated consumer demands, there has never been a bigger need for companies to learn the latest strategies for optimizing consumer experiences across all sales channels. Check out some of the best Magento practices, widespread e-commerce agency trends, and notable challenges the developer agency and support service experts are facing when striving to optimize consumer experiences on the Magento platform.
Establish a Consolidated and Engaged Website Experience
Top Magento developer agency experts tend to agree that there must be a firm integration of a company’s online and offline sales channels for maintenance of a thoroughly consistent website shopping experience to consumers. At the same time, many still believe that securing the integration of all sales channels is not enough to support the optimization of customer experiences.
In addition to seamless integration, companies must also strive to engage with their customers at every touch point to diversify their products and services from competitors. This strategy helps businesses keep their products unique and differentiated from similar merchants, which then enables them to retain the originality of their Magento website.
Deliver a Different Experience
Businesses that operate as both a B2B and B2C website should endeavor to separate themselves from their competitors with the adoption of unique promotions and product offerings. This may include providing consumers with the opportunity to purchase exclusive merchandise from the website, limited edition products, or formulating a novel way to highlight the inventive, original qualities of their unique brand and product selection.
Organize the Technical Fundamentals of Customer Service
When trying to deliver the optimal customer experience, it’s important for companies to familiarize themselves with or revamp their already existing customer service, productivity flow, and delivery methods to support the alignment between their online and offline processes. If you work with Forix, our Magento Managed Support team will guarantee a foundation of your brand’s customer service principles is firmly supported and defined among all divisions and channels.
Emerging Trends of 2018
The Growth of the Marketing Technology
Agency’s with Magento Managed Services are getting better at selecting the optimal marketing technology platforms to gain traction for their businesses. However, it’s still important for businesses with Magento Managed Services and Ongoing Support Maintenance assistance to remain concentrated on their customers to ensure that any new technical additions are serving a tangible purpose and not impeding the functionality of their websites, which can erode user experience.
Companies Require A Physical Presence
One of the most popular and most effective means for companies with Magento Ongoing Services is to expand their brand visibility and enhance customer experience is to establish a physical presence in vital market locations. Even though having a permanent store might not be in the cards for all e-commerce businesses because of the expense, many customer optimization developers assert that pop-up stores or temporary shops are all that’s needed to satisfy this demand.
Having the support of a physical presence, even just for a short period of time, can help companies generate technical marketing videos, showcase new products, ask for valuable feedback, and acquire customer reviews.
Leverage Customer Insight Data
The general consensus among Magento developer agency experts is that e-commerce companies have to prioritize data accumulation and comprehensive technical analysis in the digital age. With access to valuable customer data across all sales channels, businesses can obtain actionable insights that will provide them with the capacity to deliver relevant product offerings, segment customers based on their shopping desires, and create tailor-made customer experiences both offline and online.
Technical Difficulties
Seizing Data for Personalization Efforts
Numerous companies and marketers understand the benefit of expanding the number of personalized touch points, but many still have a hard time accessing fundamental technical data, including demographics, geographical location, and user preferences. This challenge can be attributed to more consumers declining to provide data and internal technical issues that make it harder for website developers to grasp even the basic consumer insights.
As the competition for providing the optimal consumer experience continues to grow in all industries, many companies are finding it more difficult to stay at the cutting edge of technical innovation. The issue is especially prevalent for businesses who have yet to invest in an e-commerce website platform or development agency with the ability to support their technical initiatives.
Lack of Communication
A significant challenge for businesses striving to enhance their customer’s experience stems from problems within their own organizational structure. In conjunction with technical data problems, some companies also encountered a lack of support for online initiatives from other divisions due to a general preference for online sales.
Moving Forward
Now that we’ve identified the technical issues companies contend with while attempting to optimize customer experience, check out our agency’s tips for combatting these hurdles and emerging vociferously in the e-commerce marketplace.
Creating a company culture that is focused on providing the optimal customer experience means working together to achieve your objectives. In order to do so, ensure that everyone involved is on the same page, meaning that all employees and divisions have unified goals and are willing to support each other throughout the implementation process.
Many customer experience agency experts and developers agree that when consumer data becomes more accessible, artificial intelligence (AI) devices will grow in popularity. Overall, the general consensus is that adopting AI to anticipate what consumers desire and deliver suggested products based on preferences is the future of e-commerce customer experience optimization efforts for Magento managed websites.
Connect with an expert at Forix to learn more about enhancing your customer experience for your Magento website.
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