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How to Increase Average Order Value with Magento

Increase AOV With Magento
Increasing not only the number of orders from your website, but also the value of each order, is difficult. Even if you have a fantastic website, you still may be struggling with your average order value. To encourage conversion growth, you must take certain steps to appeal to customers and motivate them to purchase more of your products with a data-driven redesign. Luckily, top developer Magento Commerce has a variety of tools businesses and B2Bs can use to improve both conversion rates and order revenue. Try the following steps to increase your average order value with Magento software.


Create Targeted Promotions


With Magento managed services, you can receive a conversion audit and discover the best ways to create targeted promotions. You can use catalogue and shopping cart price rules to design specific promotions that will release when a customer meets certain criteria. With price rules, you can:


  • Determine a specific period for a promotion
  • Send your best customers coupons
  • Offer the customer free shipping after the value of their order reaches a certain amount


By grouping customers and appealing to each segment separately, your promotions will be more effective in motivating customers to increase their orders.


Use Coupons


Coupons are another effective addition to a conversion strategy. Like the targeted promotions, link coupon codes with price rules so codes are released when a customer meets certain conditions. Receiving a coupon for an item will encourage the customer to purchase the discounted item, as well as their other products of choice.


Magento managed support can help you design coupons to send through email, as physical printed coupons, and as in-store coupons for mobile devices that people can scan with their phones.


Suggest Products


Another way to increase your average order value is with product suggestions. Use customer information to gather data about the consumer and develop an idea about what they are interested in. Based on things they have purchased in the past, suggest products throughout the digital commerce process. This can improve your conversion rate by pointing your customer to a product they had not considered previously.


Send Email Reminders


Magento ongoing support can also help you send email reminders. You can outline certain circumstances in which an automatic email reminder goes to a customer. For example, if someone leaves your website and leaves a product in their shopping cart, you can have an email automatically sent reminding them they have not finished their purchase. Magento provides technical support to allow you to set a time, amount, quantity of products, or a variety of other conditions when you want to create a reminder email. You can also include a coupon code in the reminder email.


Use Full-Page Caching


Magento uses full-page caching to improve response time on your top agency website. The caching will customize the webpage depending on what type of visit the person is conducting. There are three general types of visits: non-sessioned, sessioned, and customer. A non-sessioned visit occurs when someone views the pages of your website but does not interact with them. Caching is the most standardized amongst non-sessioned visits.


Sessioned visits are when shoppers interact with the store and are assigned a user ID. Magento full-page caching functions in sessioned visits by creating pages only used in that session by that visitor.


Magento’s full-paged caching is the most helpful for customer sessions. Customers who have an account with your ecommerce store partake in customer sessions. Caching generates their pages with special promotions, product suggestions, prices, and other factors that apply specifically to the customer group in which the customer belongs.


With full-page caching, your Magento managed services conversion and website maintenance will run as efficiently as possible and appeal effectively to each visitor.


Reach out to Forix for help creating a growth program and to have your revenue increase along with your average order value with Magento. Our reliable Magento ongoing support means you can easily handle website and security issues, improve load speeds, and optimize conversion rates. Unlock the full power of Magento with help from our experts.



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