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Preparing Your B2B Website for Peak Activity Periods

Magento B2B Website
Depending on what industry your Magento B2B business is a part of, you probably have peak activity periods where customers flock to your site. High levels of traffic are great for business – after all, you have more visitors who can then convert into paying customers, which is great for your CRO and profits. However, you can only benefit from these peak activity periods if your website can handle the load of so many people accessing your website at once.

If not, you face the chance of load overwhelming your website and interrupting customer service. When that happens, you miss out on all those potential conversions that could have happened were your website ready. Forix’s Magento managed services can help you test your website and prepare it for your peak business periods, providing a seamless experience for your customers.


Understanding B2B Peak Activity Times with Magento Managed Support

The first step in preparing for peak activity periods is to know when they happen. Magento B2B businesses have different times where their customers are ready to shop than a B2C eCommerce store, though these naturally depend on what industry your business is in.

One of the most notable differences is throughout the holiday season: B2B traffic tends to drop during November and December, then jumps up during the start of the year. Likewise, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays have higher activity than weekends, and many buyers follow 9-5 workweeks, though this can of course vary.

Keeping these times in mind and reviewing your own site trends can enable you to understand your peak periods and start to form actionable plans to prepare for them. If you want to learn even more about peak periods, reach out to a Magento managed support expert at Forix to hear more.


Conducting Load Testing with Magento Ongoing Support to Help

Load testing is a method for simulating high traffic demand on websites to see how yours stacks up under various conditions. Running these tests to match your predicted peak traffic levels will allow you to identify problem areas in your website speed and performance – without having to hear from angry customers first.

Another critical aspect of your load testing is to do it in a timely manner. It would be nice if you run your tests and notice that you’re prepared for your predicted traffic (and then some, ideally), but things don’t always work out that way. If you do encounter a problem or problems, you want ample time to fix those issues before our peak traffic begins. Several months before you expect your traffic spikes is the recommended amount of time. To ensure you have enough of a cushion in case an issue arises, contact a team member on Forix’s Magento managed support to be fully prepared.

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