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There’s no time like the present to upgrade your e-commerce store by switching to the most powerful platform on the planet. When you migrate to Magento and pair your efforts with Forix’s Magento managed services, you’re in for double the rewards. The certified Magento developers at Forix know when it’s time for a client to upgrade to Magento Commerce with managed services. These five common complaints are telltale signs the time is now.
Your Site Isn’t Converting
When conversions are the name of the game, become a player with power. For a competitive edge and a fighting chance at taking the lead in your industry, you need a website that operates as a lean, mean, converting machine. Magento Commerce with managed services can help you get there. Low conversion rates with your current site means there’s plenty of room for improvement. Magento is the perfect platform for all the technical enhancements you need. The following are top benefits you can enjoy when you migrate to Magento:
The services you can receive through a Magento development agency can totally transform your e-commerce store. Switching to Magento will allow your store to reach new heights, but the developer you choose for managed services, maintenance, technical advice, and ongoing support can make the biggest difference to your bottom line. Trust Forix for Magento managed support services, and let experienced developers solve your conversion problems for good.
Your Metrics Are Showing Issues
When was the last time you analyzed your website metrics? If you can’t remember or the answer is never, it’s time to upgrade to Magento Commerce. Your website’s key performance indicators (KPIs) can create a clear picture of where your site is performing well and where it’s losing business. Tracking your KPIs, doing technical QA tests, and updating your site based on your metrics are vital if you want your store to operate at full capacity around the clock.
If an analysis of your website shows alarming buyer journey roadblocks, it may be time to make the switch to Magento. These roadblocks can include high bounce rates, low user engagement, and abandoned shopping carts. These are signs that you are losing users somewhere along the way. Tracking metrics can help you pinpoint where something is going wrong so your developers can fix it.
For example, if you’re getting plenty of click-throughs to your landing page from an advertisement, but these click-throughs aren’t leading to conversions, the landing page or its CTA could be the problem – not your advertisement. If, on the other hand, the landing page isn’t seeing many page views, your marketing could be the issue. A top managed support provider that helps you track user behaviors and make changes accordingly can be the key to success.
Your Website Is Prone to Bugs and Security Errors
In this day and age, sophisticated cyber attacks are unfortunately commonplace. Brands can suffer serious hits when cybercriminals attack – sometimes enough to shut down an e-commerce business. Your customers need to feel like they can trust your brand with their personal and financial information. Otherwise, they won’t feel confident in making purchases online. If your website has experienced hacks, breaches, bugs, 404 error messages, and data leaks in the past, upgrade to a platform and services that can protect you.
Magento can provide the 24/7 website monitoring, technical support, maintenance, and security updates you need to feel completely confident in the safety, performance, and security of your website. Instead of losing business and suffering a damaged reputation, face security problems head-on with help from a trusted developer. A proven agency like Forix has the resources to install security patches and handle routine maintenance to make sure your site isn’t vulnerable to attacks.
You’re Sick of Managing Your Website Alone
Running an e-commerce company is enough of a responsibility for owners. When you add creating and managing a website, most business owners crack under the pressure. Luckily, no one expects you to be a business owner and expert Magento developer. Trust the experts at Forix and you won’t ever have to worry about website maintenance, design upgrades, or custom-tailored UX ever again.
You don’t have to run your website alone. Switch to Magento Commerce with Forix and benefit from a team of experts handling your website for you. You and your team can focus on bigger and better things for the company, while Forix takes care of tasks like website maintenance and updates. Magento managed services is the solution you’ve been seeking to comprehensive site management.
You’re Not Getting the Most Out of Magento
All in all, if you feel you’re not getting the most out of your eCommerce business, switch to Magento – the world’s most powerful e-commerce platform. Don’t stop there, though. The true power of Magento is best explored with help from certified developers and an ongoing managed support agency like Forix. Investing in this platform could be the best decision you make for your company.
In the current fast-paced, highly-competitive e-commerce industry, working with proven providers is the only way to ensure you’ll stay relevant. Take the time to analyze your current website and see where you could be losing sales. If you don’t have a current website, now is the perfect time to discuss a new website build with Forix. Otherwise, consider making ongoing improvements to your e-commerce store.
Constant web support from a team of certified developers could be just the thing your site has been missing. Explore your brand’s full potential and seal your spot as a top competitor in no time. Have questions about upgrading to Magento Commerce? Connect with Forix today for more information.
Start with a conversation. From there, we can build a plan.