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How to Optimize Magento 2

Do you think your website visitors will be interested in buying from your e-commerce store if it takes more than 3 seconds for your product page to load? The simple answer is no! The better the performance of your website, the higher will be the number of conversions too.

With Magento 2:

  • Your website will process 39% more orders every hour.
  • The add-to-cart server response time will be 66% faster.
  • The end-to-end checkout time will be 51% faster.

How to Optimize Magento 2 Performance? 

  1. Enable Flat Categories and Products
    The database loading ability is a crucial factor that impacts the speed of Magento 2 performance. Enable the Flat catalog option in the configuration to improve the performance of Magento 2.
  1. Merge CSS and JS Files
    Make the web page as light as possible by merging the CSS and JavaScript files.
    JavaScript File
    Go to backend, Stores -> Configuration > Advanced > Developer > JavaScript Settings
    Set Merge JavaScript Files to Yes
    Set Minify JavaScript Files to Yes
    CSS File
    Go to backend, Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > CSS Settings
    Set Merge CSS Files to Yes
    Set Minify CSS Files to Yes
    Once you complete these steps, Save Config and delete cache to activate the change.
  1. Content Delivery Network
    You can connect all your cache servers using this system. CDN can also make your page load time faster by delivering web content.
    Go to backend, Stores -> Configuration > General > Web > Base URLs (Secure)
  1. Caching
    In the backend, System > Cache Management
    It will give you a list of caching options that you can use to flush your Magento 2 cache. Tap Enable and then submit the options you prefer.
  1. Image Optimization
    Sometimes the images you have used on your website might be too heavy and take a lot of time to upload. It will significantly increase your website’s loading time. So compress the images you use.
  1. Enable Compression
    gzip_types: text/plain application/x-javascript text/javascript text/xml text/css image/x-icon image/bmp image/png image/gif; to gzip_types:;
    You can use this text to enable compression.
  1. Reduce Server Response Time
    Go to backend, Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache
    You can use this text to perform this step.


  1. What could be slowing my Magento 2 store down?
    Large or buggy third-party extensions, disabled or ineffective page caching, etc. can affect Magento security.
  1. Can Magento 2 improve the experience of catalog browsing?
    Yes, it can deliver instant server response times for catalog browsing.
  1. How does enabling the flat catalog help?
    Once there is a request to show the product, Flat Catalog offloads the number of the database.
  1. What formats can I use for my website images?
    For product images, you can use the JPEG format, and for the layout and the logo, use the PNG or SVG format.
  1. What are the technologies integrated to support Magento 2 performance?
    Varnish, Redis, Nginx, full-page caching solutions etc. With Magento optimization, your website will generate a significantly higher number of leads.


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