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Conversion Rate Optimization for Your eCommerce Business

A lot of eCommerce companies are turning to conversion rate optimization (CRO) to increase their sales numbers. By creating a website that provides customers with streamlined options, eCommerce businesses encourage more sales. Forix has some tips and tricks to help create a site that works for your business, converting visitors into customer sales.


User Testing


User testing is one of the fastest ways to understand who is using your website and what they are doing with your content. Forix can help put your website in front of a live audience to determine what works and what could use a change. A/B testing gives customers two different versions of your website and determines which one converts to more sales. Customer surveys simply ask your customers which options work and any customer feedback about the site. Heat mapping is another technique that shows where users are looking when they land on your website. All three of these techniques help to determine how to create a more effective website for your customer base. Once you understand what your customers need, you can start to understand your CRO conversion rate optimization.


Target the Right Audience


In order to provide the best website experience possible, Forix will help you target the right audience. Determining the perfect customer for your product takes research and marketing personas to understand why your customers are interested in what you have to offer. Once you determine these factors, you can design a website that speaks directly to your audience. Forix has years of experience helping websites market products to the right audience. We’ll help you create a design that works for your brand and also for your customers, increasing your eCommerce conversion rate optimization.


Streamline the Checkout


When talking about CRO conversion rate optimization, the most important factor is getting your customers through the checkout process. By streamlining the end of the transaction, you can increase the number of customers who hit the last button. Give your customers the option to store their information securely on your site to get them through the process with ease. You can also add features like zip code locator that asks them to type in the zip code and automatically fills in the city and state. All of these will increase conversion rate numbers, allowing your business to enjoy an increase in sales.


Forix has the knowledge and the experience to help your customers enjoy a seamless experience. More eCommerce businesses are using these techniques to turn visitors to their websites into sales, effectively increasing eCommerce conversion rates. Forix is here to help you optimize your eCommerce site, making your website a powerful tool for your business- reach out.



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