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As of June of 2020, the Magento 1 platform will reach its end-of-life, and Magento developers will no longer be providing official support or updates to the platform. This move has encouraged many Magento users to simply migrate to the new Magento 2 system, but the migration comes with a few common issues, including problems with Magento speed optimization.
Many early adopters of the new Magento 2 platform are wondering, “why is Magento so slow?” Naturally, many users simply assumed the new system would be faster. However, Magento 2 offers a broad range of additional features. With these added features and higher level of complexity comes a greater chance of unforeseen errors, compatibility problems, and other hiccups that can result in Magento speed issues.
Most modern ecommerce websites run with a base platform and several different third-party plugins and extensions to function the way the website owners want them to function. This requires coordinating and configuring the various elements of a website precisely so that websites remain secure, functional, and accessible to customers online. Magento 2 has vastly more code than the Magento 1 platform, and a Magento speed test can sometimes help diagnose Magento speed issues.
To start diagnosing your Magento speed issues, look at the full configuration of your ecommerce site, including every third-party extension and plugin you are currently using. The most straightforward method of testing whether any of these elements are responsible for your speed issues is to turn them off then back on, one by one, until you notice a performance increase. This should inform you which element is responsible for your slow speeds.
One of the potentially easiest ways to achieve Magento speed optimization is to reevaluate your website’s hosting solution. If your website has solid construction but a poor hosting configuration, page load speed is going to suffer. An experienced Magento managed service provider can help you determine the ideal hosting solution for your website.
If you try the aforementioned fixes and are still left wondering how to speed up Magento 2, you’re not alone. Speed problems have been common among the website owners first to adopt the Magento 2 platform. It can be incredibly difficult to discern the cause of these Magento speed issues.
Magento speed optimization is easier to achieve when you work with a reliable and experienced Magento managed service provider. A team like Forix can conduct a thorough Magento speed test to identify the problems with your current website configuration and suggest functional solutions. Other potential causes of the slow speeds you have been experiencing since migrating to Magento 2 include caching configuration issues, JavaScript Bundling, or simply forgetting to keep your Magento 2 platform in production mode. Whatever the case may be, Forix can help your team determine the reasons why your site is underperforming and find solutions that work.
If you need reliable assistance with Magento speed optimization after your switch to Magento 2, Forix is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about the Magento performance optimization services we offer.
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